From native brookies, naturalized browns and even wild rainbows (a rarity in the Midwest), Wisconsin is a little-known trout fisher's paradise. Northern Wisconsin is steeped in trout fishing lore, and past generations heralded the Brule, Namekogan and White Rivers as some of the best trout waters in the Midwest because of the size the fish they'd produce, the wilderness along their banks, and the famous Hexagenia Limbata mayfly hatch in midsummer.
In more recent times, for reasons unknown, Northern Wisconsin's famous trout waters are often overlooked. *Spoiler Alert: They're still awesome! Sporting a predictable array of insect hatches, the trout in these rivers have a diverse appetite. But that's not to say they're easy...landing a large wild brown from the cold, clear waters of the Upper Brule will test the best anglers' skills, and eager native brookies along the way make for a fun balance. We offer float and wade trips from late March through September.